Enquest Share Price: is ENQ under-valued? (29th Aug 2022)
Enquest: Forecast for H1 (&FY) Turnover In this video, which is an extract from a longer detailed recording (from 17th August), Mick takes an updated look at Enquest [ENQ]. He uses publicly available information… including the Operations Update released by the company on 2nd August 2022. From this, and using his own spreadsheet, he calculates…
HBR Share Price – Results Due Soon
Harbour Energy: Forecast for H1 (&FY) Turnover In this video Mick explains how, using publicly available information, he calculates the likely turnover for the first half (6mths to 30th June 2022), for Harbour Energy [HBR]. He then goes on to extrapolate this to give full year results. With regard to the likely share price, Mick…
Comparing Serica Energy & Kistos (side by side): 28th July 2022
Serica Energy & Kistos: Compared using Stockopedia In this short video, Mick uses the Stockopedia “Compare to…” tool to look at a side by side comparison of Serica Energy [SQZ] & Kistos [KIST]. In the upcoming (monthly) Inner Circle Webinar (7.30pm, Wednesday 3rd August 2022), Mick will suggest some other ways that DIY-Investors can compare…
Serica Energy [SQZ]: Share Price & Calculating H1 + FY Turnover for 2022
Serica Energy: Calculating Turnover & Comments of the Kistos Potential Offer In this video, Mick exlains how he has used publicly available information to check the forecasts for FY2022 Turnover for Serica Energy and in the process, has calculated the H1 turnover for the 6 month period to 30th June 2022. In the upcoming Inner…