Enquest Share Price: is ENQ under-valued? (29th Aug 2022)

August 29, 2022 Off By admin

Enquest: Forecast for H1 (&FY) Turnover

In this video, which is an extract from a longer detailed recording (from 17th August), Mick takes an updated look at Enquest [ENQ]. He uses publicly available information… including the Operations Update released by the company on 2nd August 2022. From this, and using his own spreadsheet, he calculates the likely turnover for the first half (6mths to 30th June 2022). He then explains how, with less production hedged in the second half, the turnover for July – December can be estimated… thus giving the full year Turnover for comparison with current forecasts.

Enquest share price chart

Enquest SP Chart (29.08.2022)

The chart (above) shows that the 50day m.av. (blue line) is just curling up from the 200day m.av. [red line]. With the results due next Friday (2nd September 2022), the chart looks very interesting – especially with a new high on the on-balance-volume (OBV).

Please Note: This post is for educational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any share (or other investment vehicle). Do your own research (DYOR) before buying or selling any share or other investment and make up your own mind accordingly or seek appropriate professional financial advice.

If you have any comments or observations, regarding the above, then please use the contact us form Here.

Mick (29th August 2022)