PHTM (AGM Statement) : 23rd Oct. 2014

October 23, 2014 Off By admin

Photo-Me International (PHTM) – AGM

Photo-Me International (PHTM) released its AGM Statement today, see the Blog Post on PHTM Here.

Generally, everything looks very positive but beware the mixed signals on the share-price graph – shown on the annotated graph on the Blog Post (mentioned above). However, we always advise that DIY-Investors blend fundamental & Technical Analysis. So what about the fundamentals, as shown on the Key Metrics?

 Key Metrics

The Sharescope ‘Key Metrics’ are also slightly mixed, see below…

Photo-Me International (PHTM) : Key Metrics - 23rd October 2014.


Some of the PHTM Key Metrics (underlined above) are above my normal thresholds and the current share-price graph is starting to look slightly bearish. However, against that, the overall position of the Company looks very strong and it has net cash. My view is that if a DIY-Investor holds this, at a profit, then it could well become a good dividend payer in teh long-term. However, at present, it doesn’t look like a buy, with the PSR & PE being higher than my normal buy criteria. That said, remember to DYOR on Photo-Me International and make up your own mind!

Mick (23rd October 2014)