PHTM (AGM Statement) : 23rd Oct. 2014
Photo-Me International (PHTM) – AGM
Photo-Me International (PHTM) released its AGM Statement today, see the Blog Post on PHTM Here.
Generally, everything looks very positive but beware the mixed signals on the share-price graph – shown on the annotated graph on the Blog Post (mentioned above). However, we always advise that DIY-Investors blend fundamental & Technical Analysis. So what about the fundamentals, as shown on the Key Metrics?
Key Metrics
The Sharescope ‘Key Metrics’ are also slightly mixed, see below…
Some of the PHTM Key Metrics (underlined above) are above my normal thresholds and the current share-price graph is starting to look slightly bearish. However, against that, the overall position of the Company looks very strong and it has net cash. My view is that if a DIY-Investor holds this, at a profit, then it could well become a good dividend payer in teh long-term. However, at present, it doesn’t look like a buy, with the PSR & PE being higher than my normal buy criteria. That said, remember to DYOR on Photo-Me International and make up your own mind!
Mick (23rd October 2014)