Webinar Recording (14th October 2015)
Webinar Recording (Wednesday 14th October 2015)
This post contains the first two sections from the Webinar Recording (14th October 2015), first broadcast (live) last Wednesday (14th October 2015).
As usual, you may need to allow time for the video to ‘buffer’, depending on the speed of your broadband connection. After the video has loaded, you can use the play bar (at the bottom of the video), to scroll through and pause or re-start it.
Webinar Recording : Part 1 (Introduction, Portfolios & Trakm8 Holdings)
This section lasts for 20 minutes and 14 seconds and contains; Introduction, DIY-Investors Portfolios and a look at Trakm8 (TRAK).
Webinar Recording : Part 2 (Mick’s Radar & Shares Previously Mentioned)
This section lasts for 27 minutes and 5 seconds and contains; Mick’s Radar (covering; Debenhams [DEB], Petropavlovsk [POG], Cambria Autos [CAMB] and D.P.Poland [DPP]. It also contains a section briefly covering other companies previously mentioned on Inner Circle Webinars, including; Netplay [NPT] and St Ives [SIV].
The remaining section of the recording will be added soon.
If you have any comments or observations on these Webinar Recordings from 8th September 2015, then please use the contact us form Here.
Mick (16th October 2015)